Why Hiring A WordPress Tutor Can Save You Money And Headaches

As a small business owner, creating and maintaining your website can be a headache, so you hire a freelancer or an agency to develop your website for you.

Then you find out what they created isn’t what you want, or you’re held hostage to their hosting and maintaince package.

Since you never learned how to maintain your website you’re relient on them to make changes which could take days when you could have done it yourself in a few minutes.

In this article, we‘ll explore how and why hiring a WordPress tutor instead of a web developer can save you money as a business owner and elevate your control over your website and online presence.

Why Hiring a Freelancer Can Harm Your Business?

A lot of business owners will use a freelancer or an agency to build their website. This rarely turns out well because the freelancer has no vested interest in your success, and the agency is under-delivering.

Not knowing how to update your WordPress site yourself and make simple changes puts your business’s online presence at the mercy of someone else while adding unnecessary monthly expenses.

Because learning WordPress takes some time, it’s a good idea to hire a tutor to learn it for you. This way, you can manage your website without having to teach yourself how to do it.

Is WordPress Hard To Learn?

It Depends. If you’re just trying to learn the basics of WordPress then you’ll find learning quite straightforward, simple tasks like updating blog posts and plugins can be learned in a relatively short time without much technical expertise.

When it comes to theme and plugin development though, that’s where WordPress gets tougher especially for small business owners.

The good news is, you don’t really need to know how to code to manage a WordPress site, most business owners only do simple tasks like making changes & creating new content which doesn’t require development knowledge.

Can I Learn WordPress on my own?

WordPress being the most used content management system in the world today has alot of free learning resources available.

There are a variety of websites online that provide step by step video/written tutorials on wordpress with the recommended being WP101.

You can always jumpstart your WordPress learning journey by following their tutorials and learning concepts like backend management, updates, page creation and more.

Once you grasp all the basic, a WordPress tutor can help you through advanced concepts while spending less time.

Even, though you won’t get the opportunity to ask questions like you would if you had a tutor, WordPress tutorial websites like WP101 is a solid alternative to learn wordpress.

What’s the Best And Fastest Way Of Learning WordPress?

Hiring a dedicated WordPress tutor will more than simplify the entire learning process of WordPress administrating.

A tutor will guide you through the entire syllable with examples and lots of practicals which unlike following the plain documentation adds a lot of room for gaining experience.

So, as you’ve already figured by now, the idea is to learn how WordPress administration works and stop paying high monthly fees for simple tasks you can perform yourself.

You get to save a lot of money as a business owner and also get things done exactly how you want them and when you want them.

If you still need more convincing, below are five good reasons why a WordPress Tutor can save your business a lot of money in the long term not to mention spare you the headache of working with agencies.

Reasons Why Hiring A WordPress Tutor Can Save You Money And Headaches

  1. Save money on monthly maintenance fee
  2. Save cost on website development
  3. Make learning WordPress fun
  4. Troubleshoot issues
  5. Ask questions and get solutions
  6. Launch faster

1. Save Money on Monthly Maintenance Fee

Most business owners with WordPress websites rely strictly on n agency for maintaining their

WordPress sites.

These agencies can charge anywhere from $300 to $5,000 depending on the kind of website.

Hiring a tutor to learn WordPress and administratively manage WordPress websites eliminates the need for a third party.

They’d be no need to pay an agency or developer to do simple tasks you can take on.

In fact, if you take the time to explore your newfound WordPress skills, even as a business owner, you should be able to build out basic websites for any purpose by yourself.

2. Save Cost on Website Development

As a business owner, having no clue about web development puts you at a disadvantage to spend more when developing a website.

Agencies and Freelance WordPress Developers prey on the illiteracy of business owners to charge more when developing websites and will charge you extra for implementing features that cost next to nothing to implement.

Hiring a WordPress tutor gives you the proper education on the processes and expected cost of web development services, that way you know exactly what you’re paying for and affordable alternatives available.

3. Make Learning WordPress Fun

Learning WordPress on your own can be very tiresome, the documentation provided by the official WordPress team at WordPress.org is very formal and can be overwhelming for most people just getting started with WordPress.

Hiring a WordPress tutor makes the learning process a lot more fun and easier to grasp. Reading WordPress documentation doesn’t equate to actually gaining experience, WordPress tutors explain concepts using practical examples and allow you practice while supervising your progress.

You also get to work on sample projects/exercises just to solidify what you’ve learned with expert feedback from the tutor.

4. Troubleshoot Issues

Since WordPress uses a lot of open-source code (plugins and themes), there are many times when a simple change can trigger an error that renders your website unusable.

Apart from self-triggered errors, a theme or plugin can break anytime and in a normal scenario require you to contact the agency maintaining the site.

When you hire a tutor to learn WordPress though, you learn a lot about troubleshooting that courses do not cover.

From simple tricks like detecting conflicting themes/plugins to downgrading your WordPress version (which are exactly the same fixes an expensive agency maintenance plan makes use of).

So instead of waiting hours or sometimes days (which can cost your business a lot of money) for your WordPress to be fixed, you can simply troubleshoot and fix yourself without any headaches.

5. Ask Questions and Get Solutions

A WordPress tutor is willing to answer any question you might have pertaining to WordPress including questions that requires experience.

Tutors have enough experience to give practical advice on how to build common WordPress websites.

Again, this is not limited to just building sites, you might want to know the possibility of implementing a specific feature on WordPress or what theme to use for fast loading speed.

No matter what you’re trying to get your head around, a WordPress tutor offers one of the best consultation services at no extra cost.

6. Launch Faster

One of the most important things any business owner can do is to make sure they are able to understand the technology at the core of their business.

This is why hiring a WordPress tutor will allow you to launch faster. If you’re a business owner, hiring a tutor will help you to launch your website quicker.

You’ll also be able to create a better-quality website from the start.

Where Can I Hire A Good WordPress Tutor?

When it comes to quality WordPress tutoring, no service comes as close to what LearnerBuilt offers.

Learnerbuilt tutors are exhaustively tested for WordPress knowledge and go through extra training just to be able to serve customers.

They have an expert understanding of WordPress maintenance, troubleshooting, performance, SEO, and plugin stacks.

They basically have the entirety of WordPress covered so are always reliable no matter what you need to learn.

LearnerBuilt offers 3 tiers of WordPress tutoring; 1-on-1 tutoring, Group tutoring, and Cooperate Tutoring.

For small business owners looking to save cost, LearnerBuilt 1-on-1 tutoring would be perfect.

If you’re trying to train a few in-house staff on how to use WordPress then their Group or Cooperate Tutoring should suffice depending on the number of staff you want to partake.

Yes, there are other tutoring services out there but none of them focus on WordPress the way we at LearnerBuilt do which is why we get recommended a lot.


If you’re looking to get the most out of your WordPress site and keep expenses low, hiring a tutor could be the best way to go.

While hiring a tutor can be expensive, it can save you money and headaches in the long run.

If you’re interested in hiring a tutor, feel free to check out one of the Learnerbuilt tutoring services and leave a comment below if you have any questions.

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